OnePlus One Price Reduced To Only $249 In Flash Sales Throughout First Week Of June | Business Verdict

OnePlus One Price Reduced To Only $249 In Flash Sales Throughout First Week Of June

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 0Tuesday, June 02, 2015 Editorial Team
So after the long awaited periods, here comes a good news for the OnePlus One lovers. The only and most successful flagship killer smartphone from OnePlus will cost just $249 in flash sales throughout the first week of June.

Yesterday the announcement came from the OnePlus Forum that they are going to have a flash sale experiment. The flash sale experiment will last all week, June 1-7. Times will vary every other day, so everyone around the world will have a fair chance to buy.

OnePlus One
OnePlus One will cost only $249

Daily Sale Schedule:

June 1 - 12:00 GMT (8 am EST)
June 2 - 2:00 GMT (10 pm EST -1 day)
June 3 - 12:00 GMT (8 am EST)
June 4 - 2:00 GMT (10 pm EST -1 day)
June 5 - 12:00 GMT (8 am EST)
June 6 - 2:00 GMT (10 pm EST -1 day)
June 7 - 12:00 GMT (8 am EST)

Note that this promotion is only available on So OnePlus fans in India and Southeast Asia have to wait a bit longer until some country-specific offers pop up.

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